Hers was a celebrated life, a long well-lived life, a life well-defined by her mantra “Never Say Never!”. She never was meant to live an ordinary, humdrum life. She never settled for that, never, but at 36yo, a stage of life when others of lesser mettle would have wallowed in the bliss of domesticity, she decided not to stay put. Rosie must have been thinking, “I can do better, much, much better. Against all odds and with her husband to lean solidly on, she pursued with as much vigor as she could muster, another calling- the medical profession. She yearned to be a medical doctor in hopes of serving the sick, in hopes of ameliorating her and her family’s station in life. That’s how passionate Mama was in seeking a meaningful, fulfilling life. She labored mightily to ramp up her family’s chances in life. Never did she say never, despite colossal roadblocks strewn along the way. She stared down formidable odds and she knew that from the outset, but she plodded on regardless.